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About 50th Celebration

This celebration will have more than just the three revived rides. The park will be alive, with new streetmoshpere events happening all around you, immersing you both in the culture of the land you're in and the spirit of the Animal Kingdom. For example, Asia will have live exciting stunt/trick performances in the street, set to the fun music you're listening to now!


Like with any good celebration, there will be special merchandise avaliable to go along with it. Special pins/magnets/shirts with the unique interpretation of the DAK logo (as shown on the home page) with golden highlights for the 50th will be avaliable. In addition, nostaolgia based memorabilia on clasic DAK will be widely sold. 


As you can see, Animal Kingdom is going all out for the 50th. Between giving redemption to three fantastic parts of DAK History, as well as all sorts of new entertainment, this celebration is one not to be missed! I Hope you enjoyed the proposal and be sure to visit this Island of Redemption!

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